Indiana Wesleyan University Scholarships

Navigating the world of scholarships can be a daunting task, especially for international students aspiring to study in the United States. Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) offers a range of scholarships designed to make quality education accessible to students from all corners of the globe. This comprehensive guide is tailored to help international students understand the various scholarship opportunities available at IWU, ensuring you have all the information you need to make your educational dreams a reality.

Why Choose Indiana Wesleyan University?

Indiana Wesleyan University is renowned for its commitment to integrating faith and learning, offering a supportive community and a diverse range of programs. For international students, IWU presents a unique blend of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and cultural diversity.

Types of Scholarships at IWU

Indiana Wesleyan University offers several types of scholarships for international students, each designed to meet different needs and achievements:

Academic Scholarships

  • Presidential Scholarship: Awarded based on outstanding academic achievement.
  • Dean’s Scholarship: For students demonstrating significant academic success.

Talent Scholarships

  • Music & Arts Scholarship: For students with exceptional talents in music, art, or theater.
  • Athletic Scholarships: Offered to students who excel in sports and wish to represent IWU in various athletic competitions.

Need-Based Scholarships

  • International Student Grant: Aimed at students who demonstrate financial need, making education more accessible.

Specialized Scholarships

  • Missionary Kids Scholarship: For children of missionaries who have served overseas.
  • Church Matching Scholarship: IWU matches funds provided by a student’s home church to support their education.

Eligibility Criteria for Indiana Wesleyan University Scholarships

Eligibility for Indiana Wesleyan University scholarships for international students varies depending on the scholarship. Generally, criteria can include academic achievements, demonstrated financial need, specific talents, and leadership qualities. It’s important to review the specific requirements for each scholarship.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria:
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must;
i. Obtain a minimum high school GPA of 2.5
Value of Scholarship: 
The IWU merit scholarships are valued as follows;
i. President’s – $13,000 (GPA: 4.0 and above)
ii. Dean’s – $11,000 (GPA: 3.75 – 3.99)
iii. Faculty – $9,000 (GPA: 3.4 – 3.749)
iv. Achievement – $7,000 (GPA: 2.8 – 3.39)
v. Recognition – $4,000 (GPA: 2.79 and below)

Application Process for Indiana Wesleyan University Scholarships

  1. Admission to IWU: Before applying for scholarships, students must first be admitted to Indiana Wesleyan University.
  2. Scholarship Application: To apply, please complete an application form and submit all of your admission materials to IWU for consideration. No additional scholarship application is needed.
  3. Supporting Documents: Submit any required documents, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, financial statements, or portfolios.
  4. Deadlines: Pay close attention to application deadlines to ensure your application is considered.

Tips for Success for Indiana Wesleyan University Scholarships

  • Start Early: Begin your scholarship search and application process well in advance.
  • Be Thorough: Ensure your application is complete and accurately reflects your achievements and needs.
  • Highlight Your Uniqueness: Emphasize what makes you stand out, whether it’s your academic records, talents, or personal experiences.
  • Seek Advice: Don’t hesitate to contact IWU’s financial aid office for guidance and clarification.


Securing a scholarship at Indiana Wesleyan University can significantly impact your educational journey, reducing financial burdens and enhancing your academic and cultural experiences. By understanding the types of scholarships available, eligibility criteria, and application processes, you can better navigate the landscape of financial aid. Remember, investing time and effort into your scholarship applications can open doors to a world of opportunities at IWU.

For more detailed information and assistance, visit the Indiana Wesleyan University official website or contact the financial aid office directly. Embrace this chance to make your educational aspirations a reality with the support of Indiana Wesleyan University scholarships for international students.

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